(game made for Trijam 254 in 3 hours)

Welcome to the workforce !

You've found yourself an easy yet fullfilling job at - insertname - company, well done !

Your task is simple (yet exciting !).

Reports are sent to your desk.

You must fill the report correctly, with (AA, A or F), when one word of the report matches one of the word on the AA, A or F post-if.

If no there's no word matching, just set N/A.

Motivate yourself using the posters on the wall. 

example : The word Ethic appears on Post-It A (1). You find it in the document (2). So you put a stamp in the A box (3).

Your earn 11€65 an hour.

In this business we consider ourselves a family. You're fired at the first mistake, but feel free to reapply.

Office sound from Pixabay.

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